July 20, 2010

OpenSource GAMES - Secret Maryo Chronicles

I really wonder why people die for such COSTLY games? Costly = Quality ? No...Never.

Probably you were heard or frustrated about some free games. But time has changed. Let yourself into a WORLD OF OPENSOURCE.

Yes...its absolutely FREE and of course much interesting compare to some costly games.

I here introduce some ultimate collection of Games, of course FREE games to you.

First, Secret Maryo Chronicles.

Secret Maryo Chronicles is an Open Source two-dimensional platform game with a design similar to classic computer games. SMC has computer support to a great degree by using an accelerated Open Graphics Library for the best possible graphic design and stock performance.


In-Game Editor

Activated with the F8 key in the game. You can insert any graphic file as a background or sprite in the game. All graphics like hedges and ground sprites are included. You can insert enemies, change the player start position, insert special objects like a powerup box, and create half-massive Sprites which the Player can jump through, but can not fall through. For a more detailed explanation see the Editor tutorial.

Version    Additional Feature

0.98.1    - Global level effects.
0.99.2    - Camera limits and multiple Background Images.
0.99.4    - Falling Platforms and Invisible/Empty Boxes.
0.99.5    - Ghost Blocks.
0.99.7    - Massive Moving Platforms.
1.0    - Text Boxes and Warp entries.
1.2    - Fixed horizontal level scrolling and random powerup bonus box.
1.5    - Particle Emitter and Ambient Sounds.

Levels Many Levels

Each level ends with a Gate or Pipe, press up to enter the next level or the direction key into the pipe.

Maryo Stages Multiple Maryo Stages

Includes Small, Normal, Fire, Snow, Star and Ghost Maryo. Advance to the next stage by getting Mushrooms, Fireplants and Stars but beware the Poison Mushroom. The powerup items can be obtained by jumping into question mark boxes.

Overworld Multiple Overworlds

Get an aerial perspective between levels, just like the World Map in Super Mario World.

Music Great Sound and Music

High quality Ogg music and sound for a great game feeling.

Save and Load Save and Load

Save anytime from the game menu. Then load whenever you want.

Lives Get Extra Lives

By getting 100 coins or finding the Green Mushrooms and secret Moons.


Linux or Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista

Minimum Minimum:

Processor: 500 MHz
Video Card: 64 MB OpenGL Compatible 3D Accelerated Graphics Card
RAM: 256MB
800x600 Screen Resolution
16 Bit Color Display
Keyboard + Mouse
Recommended Recommended:

Processor: 1 GHz
Video Card: 128 MB OpenGL Compatible 3D Accelerated Graphics Card
RAM: 512MB
Sound Card
1024x768 Screen Resolution
24 Bit True Color Display

 Download here

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